see “Series” pages for Kodak adapters
flexible prices for multiple items
+ ground glass 4x5
...very needs refurbishing, or not
asking $1500.
Kodak Projection Anastigmat 105 f:4.5 Lens on board
...looks NIB...35.00 qty 1
Kodak Ektagraphic AF-2 slip-on close-up+2 Spiratone Japan...NIC n/o...14.90 qty 1
Kodak Retina Germany Right-Angle finder, leather case...looks new in box...65.00 sold
Kodak Retina Germany Instamatic Reflex Lens Spacer C220...looks NIB...35.00 qty 1
Kodak Ektar 203mm f7.7 #EI318
on Kodak Flash Supermatic shutter +cap...very clean...425.00
Kodak Germany 35/80 hotshoe Viewfinder + original leather cs...looks new...90.00 qty 1
Kodak Cine Lens adapter Type M...looks new in box...14.90 qty 1
Kodak Cine Lens adapter W mount...looks new in box...14.90 qty 1
Kodak Pola screen Viewer...looks new in box...8.90 qty 2
Kodak Single-post Flasholder adapter...NIB n/o...14.90 qty 5
Kodak Clip-on Flasholder adapter...NIB n/o...14.90 qty 3
Kodalux-L Lichtwertmesser 25115 BOX ONLY...very clean...5.00 qty 1
Kodak Self Timer P5960 + instructions...looks new in box...18.90 qty 1
Kodapak 4x5 glassine sleeves - 5 folders of 10...vintage new...25.00 qty 1
Kodak Adjustable 2x2” filter holder...NIB n/o...25.00 qty 1
“1-1/8 - 1-9/16” 2x2 glass or gels...includes gel frame
Kodak Series 6 2x2” filter holder...NIB n/o...25.00 qty 1
“1-1/8 - 1-9/16” 2x2 glass or gels...includes gel frame
Schneider-Kreuznach 50 f2.0 for Retina II, III...small ding, clean...10.00 qty 1
Accura Diamatic auto X tender 2x for Retina...NIB n/o...19.00 qty 1
Kodak Reference Data Guide...$10.00
various brands for various 8mm, 16mm movie cameras
check series 4, series C and series 5 adapters for other drop-in filter choices
13 B&H Pax filter set/5: UV-Y1-Y2-GR11-R25A...clean...45.00 qty 1
14 Keystone Yellow black, orig box...clean...9.00 qty 1
14 Keystone Red black ...clean...9.00 qty 1
14 B&H Haze black ...clean...7.00 qty 1
14.5SO Kodak A Red 25A...NIC...12.70 qty 1
14.5SO Kodak Yellow 8...looks NIC...12.70 qty 1
14.5SO Kodak G Dk Yellow 15...NIB,C...12.70 qty 1
16.5 Walz Japan 502 Kodak Revere (R) sky 1A chrome...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 1
16.5 Walz Japan 502 Kodak Revere (R) 80B chrome...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 1
16.5 Walz Japan 502 Kodak Revere (R) 85A chrome...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 3
16.5SO Kodak Model B Yellow black, orig case...clean...9.00 qty 1
16.5SO Kodak Z Kodachrome Haze...clean...9.00 qty 1
18SO Kodak Z CK-3 cloud (yellow 8) black cs...clean...12.00 qty 1
18SS Kodak Z CK-3 cloud (yellow 8) black cs...clean...12.00 qty 1
18 Walz Japan T Skylight chrome...clean...9.00 qty 1
18 Walz Japan T lens cap chrome...clean...9.00 qty 1
18 Walz Japan 503 Ansco DeJur 80B chrome...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 1
20SO Ednalite skylight...clean...9.00 qty 2
20.5 B&H Yellow/hood chrome...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 1
20.5 Walz Japan 504 Kodak Brownie movie sky 1A chrome...clean...9.00 qty 2
20.5 Walz Japan 504 Kodak Brownie movie EB #85 chrome...clean...9.00 qty 1
20.5 Walz Japan 504 Kodak Brownie movie lens cap chrome...clean...9.00 qty 1
below: check series 5 adapters for other drop-in filter choices
21.5 Kodak Germany Retina 1 FIV27 3x Orange 21, chrome...looks NIC...35.00 qty 1
21.5 Kodak Germany Retina 1 versatzlinse NL III close-up...clean...15.00 qty 1
21.5 Walz Japan Retina 1 close-up 1...clean...12.00 qty 1
21.5 Walz Japan Retina 1 lens cap chrome...clean...7.50 qty 1
19 Kodak #8 Portrait Attachment black, orig case...looks new...9.50 qty 2
21SO Cine-Kodak U8 CK-3 Yellow 8...clean...9.50 qty 1
21SO Cine-Kodak U8 Type A 85...clean...9.50 qty 1
21SO unbranded Portrait Attachment black...clean...9.50 qty 2
21SO Kodak #8A sky filter (clear/yellow 8 grad)...NIC n/o...9.00 qty 2
22SO Wollensak Yellow 8 chrome...very clean...9.00 qty 1
23 B&H Haze, chrome hood ...clean...9.00 qty 1
23SO Argus 2x Yellow 5...clean...9.00 qty 2
23SO Argus 4x Yellow 9...clean...9.00 qty 1
23SO Argus Copying close-up...clean...9.00 qty 1
23SO unbranded Yellow 5, black...clean...9.00 qty 1
24FR unbranded Yellow 8 “minus Blue”...clean...9.00 qty 1
24SO Ansco (15/16) Y-45 Yellow 6...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 1
24SO Ansco #4 Portrait close-up +1...clean...9.00 qty 1
24SO Burke&James Chicago close-up +1...clean...9.00 qty 1
24SO Burke&James Chicago close-up +3...clean...9.00 qty 1
24SO Kodak #3 (15/16) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 20
24SO unbranded Yellow 8 black...clean...7.00 qty 1
24SO unbranded Yellow 8 chrome...clean...7.00 qty 1
25SO Kodak Diffusion Disk #2 for AF enlarger...n/o...19.00 qty 1
25.5 Kodak #19 photoflood 80B...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 1
27SO Ansco (1-1/16) Y-45 Yellow 6...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 2
27SO Ansco (1-1/16) Close-up +1...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 2
27SO Ekco (1-1/16) No.17 Yellow/Orange 16...very clean...9.00 qty 1
27SO Kodak #17 Portrait attachment, black + instr....NIC n/o...18.00 qty 1
29SO Ansco (1-1/8) Y-45 Yellow 6...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 1
29SO Ansco (1-1/8) Close-up +1...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 2
29SO G-8 (1-1/8) Portrait +1 cs...clean...7.00 qty 1
Kodak Instamatics - Brownie Hawkeye, Pony 828 - various movie cameras
Kodak Junior six-20 folding
25.5SO K-C Japan skylight, close-up +1.5x...leather case...very clean...22.00 qty 1
25.5SO Kodak #13 close-up attachment chrome...NIC n/o...12.00 qty 13
25.5SO Kodak #13 close-up attachment black...clean...9.00 qty 5
25.5SO Kodak #13 cloud (yellow 8) black...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 7
25.5SO Kodak #13 cloud (yellow 8) chrome...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 3
25.5SO Kodak #13 cloud (yellow 8) black...clean...9.00 qty 10
25.5SO Kodak #13 Portrait Diffusion black...NIC n/o...12.00 qty 1
25.5SO Prinz Japan (304-404) chrome lens hood...NIB n/o...8.00 qty 10
25.5SO Tiffen (300-400) close-up +1 attachment black...NIB n/o ..8.00 qty 1
25.5SO Tiffen (304-404) close-up +1 attachment black...NIB n/o or clean...8.00 qty 4
25.5SO Tiffen Sky 1-A for Instamatic...clean...7.00 qty 3
Kodak Retina Xenon 50 f2.8 - Kodak Signet - various movie cameras
26.5 Tiffen for Kodak Signet screw-in lens cap black...NIB n/o...11.00 qty 1
26.5 Walz Japan #111 Yellow qty 2
26.5 Walz Japan #111 for Kodak Signet B7 flash chrome...NIB n/o...11.00 qty 1
26.5 Walz Japan #111 for Kodak Signet Type A 85 chrome...NIB n/o...11.00 qty 2
26.5 Walz Japan #111 for Kodak Signet 85C chrome...NIB n/o...11.00 qty 1
26.5 Walz Japan for Kodak Signet screw-in lens cap...NIB n/o...11.00 qty 1
Kodak Pony - Kodak Starflash, Starflex, Starmite, Starlett - Instamatic
28.5SO Kodak #6 (1-1/8) Portrait Diffusion...NIC n/o...11.50 qty 1
28.5SO Kodak #6 (1-1/8) Pictorial Diffusion Disk...NIC n/o...11.50 qty 1
28.5SO Kodak #6A (1-1/8) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o or clean...11.50 qty 18
28.5SO Kodak #6A (1-1/8) close-up attachment chrome...NIB n/o...11.50 qty 10
28.5SO Kodak #6A (1-1/8) cloud (yellow 8) black...NIC n/o...11.50 qty 1
28.5SO Kodak #6A (1-1/8) cloud (yellow 8) chrome...NIB n/o...11.50 qty 9
28.5SO Kodak #6A (1-1/8) sky filter (clear/yellow 8 grad)...clean...11.50 qty 3
28.5SO Ednalite #6A (1-1/8) cloud (yellow 8) chrome...NIB n/o...11.50 qty 4
28.5SO Ednalite #6A (1-1/8) chrome/Haze skylight...NIB n/o...11.50 qty 1
28.5SO Ekco brass #6A (1-1/8) close-up black...clean...11.50 qty 2
28.5SO Prinz Japan (104-154) chrome lens hood...NIB n/o...8.00 qty 6
28.5SO Samigon Japan skylight, close-up +1.5x, w/ Hood, chrome
set/3...very clean...25.00 qty 1
28.5SO Tiffen cloud (yellow 8) gray...NIB n/o... 11.50 qty 2
28.5SO Tiffen (100) close-up +1 attachment black...NIB n/o...8.00 qty 3
28.5SO Tiffen (104-154) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o or clean...8.00 qty 7
28.5SO Tiffen (124-134) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o...8.00 qty 1
28.5SO Tiffen Sky 1-A for Instamatic...clean...7.00 qty 2
Ansco Speedex Apotar 85 f4.5 - Pioneer 20
Ansco Super Memar Spotar 50 f3.5
Ansco Agnar Viking 105 f6.3
30SO Ansco Close-up 1 chrome...very clean...12.00 qty 3
30SO B+W NL1 Close-up 1 chrome...very clean...12.00 qty 1
30SO B+W NL2 Close-up 2 chrome...very clean...12.00 qty 5
30SO Walz skylight chrome...clean...9.00 qty 1
30SO Ansco (1-3/16) Y-45 Yellow 6...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 3
1-3/16 30SO > series 5 Kodak adapter chrome...NIB...9.50 qty 3
1-3/16 30SO > series 5 Kodak adapter chrome...clean...8.00 qty 9
see 29.5 page for Retina filters
below: check series 6 adapters for other drop-in filter choices
Kodak Retinas that use 29.5
31.5SO Kodak #5A (1-1/4) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o or clean...11.50 qty 10
31.5SO Kodak #5A (1-1/4) Cloud Yellow 8...NIB n/o or clean...11.50 qty 0
31.5SO Kodak for Retina series 6 adapter ring chrome...clean...9.00 qty 52
Kodak Starmatic, Twin 20, Flash 20, Reflex Starmeter, Flashmite
33SO Kodak #7A (1-5/16) close-up attachment black...NIB n/o or clean... 11.50 qty 15
33SO Kodak #7A (1-5/16) close-up attachment chrome...NIB n/o or clean... 11.50 qty 17
33SO Kodak #7A (1-5/16) cloud (yellow 8) black...NIB n/o... 11.50 qty 4
33SO Kodak #7A (1-5/16) cloud (yellow 8) chrome...NIB n/o... 11.50 qty 10
36SO Ansco (1-13/32) Y-45 Yellow 6...NIB n/o...7.00 qty 2
38SO Kodak #23 close-up for Ektar 127...clean...12.00 qty 1
38SO unbranded filter holder with pale green and yellow/green...clean...25.00 qty 1
40SS Kodak U9 Type A Kodachrome, cs
...clean...19.00 qty 1
< for Ektar 127 f4.7
42SO Kodak #16 portrait close-up...clean...12.00 qty 1
42SO Kodak #16 Cloud yellow 8...clean...12.00 qty 1
42SO Kodak #16 skylight...clean...12.00 qty 1
45FR Kodak EKCO #16 ring, black brass...clean...12.00 qty 1
50SS Kodak Diffusion Disk #2 for AF enlarger...n/o...19.00 qty 1
50SS Kodak Diffusion Disk #3, black...clean...19.00 qty 1
below: check series 7 adapters for other drop-in filter choices
51SO Kodak Clear/Yellow Grad, black...clean...19.00 qty 1
51SO Kodak Yellow 6, black...clean...19.00 qty 2
51SO Kodak Green 11, black...clean...19.00 qty 1
52 Kodak Germany 29.5 step-down ring, cs...NIB n/o...33.00 qty 1
Kodak Aero Ektar
below: check series 8 adapters for other drop-in filter choices
60 Kodak Germany 29.5 step-down ring, cs...NIB n/o...33.00 qty 1
60 Kodak Germany Type A 85A chrome...clean...23.00 qty 1
60 Kodak Germany Type F 85C chrome...clean...23.00 qty 2
60 Kodak Germany Skylight chrome...clean...23.00 qty 2
60 Kodak Germany T1/60 Retina Tele auxiliary lens +1 black...NIB n/o...33.00 qty 1
60 Kodak Germany T1/60 Retina Tele auxiliary lens +1 black...clean...23.00 qty 5
60 Kodak Germany T2/60 Retina Tele auxiliary lens +2 black...clean...23.00 qty 3
60 Kodak Germany N1 close-up +1 chrome... NIB n/o...33.00 qty 1
60 Kodak Germany N2 close-up +2 chrome...NIB n/o...33.00 qty 2
60 K-C Japan T2 close-up +2 black...clean...15.00 qty 2
72 Kodak Germany Tele Xenar 200 f4.8 lens hood black (84/40)...clean...23.00 qty 1
77SS Kodak Orange 16...vintage chrome...clean...35.00 qty 1
Kodak collectible bakelite plastic filter storage
* yellow small (series 5; up to 36mm)...3.00 qty 89
* yellow medium (series 6; up to 46mm)...4.00 qty 166
* yellow large (series 7, 8; up to 67mm)...5.00 qty 31
* clear swivel door small (series 5; up to 36mm)...2.00 qty 7
* clear swivel door medium (series 6; up to 46mm)...3.00 qty 4
*upper right swivel (series 4)...NIB n/o...9.00 qty 4
* upper right Duspruf for 6 series 5...NIB n/o...12.00 qty 1
* easy clean up
2x2 50mm x 50mm