Hasselblad brand filters and accessories


          B 50   /   B 57         Schott glass - made in Germany

                same size


                           Hasselblad C 80 Planar f2.8

                           Hasselblad C 100 Planar f3.5

                           Hasselblad C 105 UV-Sonnar f4.3

                           Hasselblad C 120 S Planar f5.6

                           Hasselblad C 135 S Planar f5.6

                           Hasselblad C 150 Sonnar f4.0

                           Hasselblad C 250 Sonnar f5.6

                           Hasselblad C 250 Sonnar SA f5.6

                           Hasselblad F 80 Planar f2.8

          UV - Skylight - Polarizers - Neutral Density


     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany HZ UV 1x -0...very clean...30.00 qty 7

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CR 1.5 skylight/81A...clean...20.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  B+W Germany 502 ND Grad 2x...NIB n/o...55.00 qty 1

           black & white contrast


     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany Y Light yellow (5) 1.5x...very clean...45.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany Y yellow (8) 1.5x...very clean...45.00 qty 3

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany Y yellow (12) 5x qty 0

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany YG yellow/green 2x qty 0

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany G Green 3x...NIB sealed...79.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany G Green 3x, cs...very clean...45.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany O Orange 4x, cs...very clean...45.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany R Red 6x qty 0


                 Light balance / color correction - warming filters

                     see Data page for more info

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CR 3 (81C)....very clean...25.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CR 6 (81EF)...very clean...25.00 qty 3

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CR 12 (85A)...NOS...35.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CB 3 (82B)...n/o or very clean...25.00 qty 3

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CB 6 (80C)...very clean...22.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany CB 12 (80B)... NOS...35.00 qty 2



     Hasselblad C close-up filters

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Proxar 0.5 silver...very clean...30.00 qty 3

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50318 Proxar 1.0...NIB sealed...75.00 qty 1

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50318 Proxar 1.0 black...very clean...30.00 qty 5

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50318 Proxar 1.0 silver...very clean...30.00 qty 5

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50326 Proxar 2.0 black...very clean... 30.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50326 Proxar 2.0 silver...very clean...30.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss 50326 Proxar 2.0...NIB sealed...75.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Proxar set/3 black, cs...very clean...80.00 qty 1

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Proxar set/3 chrome, cs...very clean...80.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad C soft focus filters  -  multi-image

     Bay 57  Hasselblad CGermany Carl Zeiss Softar 1 black...very clean...30.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Softar 1 silver...very clean...30.00 qty 6

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Softar 2 black...NIB...75.00 qty 1

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Softar 2 black...very clean...30.00 qty 3

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Softar 3 black...NIB sealed...75.00 qty 1

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany Carl Zeiss Softar 3 black...very clean...30.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany DF1 Soft...portrait, concentric rings...very clean...39.50 qty 1

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany DF2 Soft...portrait, concentric rings...very clean...39.50 qty 2


     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany 50686 MP5 (5-face multi-prism) cs...very clean...55.00 qty 2

     Bay 57  Hasselblad C Germany 50687 MP6 (6-face multi-prism) cs...very clean...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  B+W Germany MP5 (5-face multi-prism) cs...mint...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hasselblad C Germany bayonet lens hood...very clean...55.00 qty 1  

                for Hasselblad C - made in Japan


      UV - Skylight - Polarizers


    Bay 50  Camrex Japan skylight 1A, silver...very clean...22.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan UV, silver...very clean...22.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan UV (0) SC ...very clean...22.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan skylight 1A SC...very clean...22.00 qty 3

     Bay 50  Milo Japan UV SC...NOS...25.00 qty 4

          black & white contrast


     Bay 50  Camrex Japan K2 Yellow silver...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan R red 25A silver...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan K2 Yellow SC...NOS...35.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan K2 Yellow SC...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan X1 Green SC...NOS...35.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan X1 Green SC...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Leedar Japan 056 Orange 21 SC...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Milo Japan Y2 yellow 8 MC...NOS...25.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Milo Japan X1 Yellow/green SC...NOS...25.00 qty 6

     Bay 50  Milo Japan 02 Orange 21 SC...NOS...25.00 qty 8

     Bay 50  Milo Japan 25A Red SC...NOS...25.00 qty 5

     Bay 50  Milo Japan 25A Red MC...NOS...30.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Prinz Japan 25A Red...very clean...25.00 qty 1


                 Light balance / color correction - warming filters

                     see Data page for more info


     Bay 50  Camrex Japan 85 Tungsten>Daylight silver...very clean...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan 80B silver...NOS...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan 80A black...NOS...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan 80A SC...NOS...22.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan 80B SC...NOS...22.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan 81A SC...NOS...22.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan 85 Tungsten>Daylight SC...NOS...22.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Leedar Japan 80A...NOS...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Milo Japan 82A (CB3) SC...NOS...15.00 qty 10

     Bay 50  PRO Japan 81B...NOS...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  unbranded Japan 80B SC, chrome...very clean...19.00 qty 1

         close-ups - multi-image - stars - soft focus

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan Close-up +3 black...NOS...24.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Camrex Japan 3PF vertical multi-image black, cs...NOS...35.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan close-up set SC +1 +2 +3, leather cs...very clean...35.00 qty 2

     Bay 50  Hoya Japan Cross screen 4pt. star...NOS...25.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Leedar Japan close-up +3...NOS...19.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Milo Japan Diffuser soft SC...NOS...15.00 qty 4

     Bay 50  Prinz Japan Mirage 5R multi-image cs...NOS...35.00 qty 1

     Bay 50  Tiffen USA close-up +3...clean...15.00 qty 1

          step-up / down rings

     Bay 50 > 52 Dotline/Milo Japan step-up ring...new...17.00 qty 9

     Bay 50 > 52 Heliopan #315 step-up ring...new...45.00 qty 1

     Bay 50 > 52 Tiffen step-up ring...new...22.00 qty 4

     Bay 50 > 52 Hoya Japan step-up ring...new...17.00 qty 4

     Bay 50 > 52 Japan step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 3

     Bay 50 > 55 Japan step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 2

     Bay 50 > 55 Hoya step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 1

     Bay 50 > 55 Tiffen step-up ring...very clean...17.50 qty 3

     Bay 50 > 58 Japan step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 1

     Bay 50 > 62 Japan step-up ring...new...17.00 qty 1

     Bay 50 > 62 Japan step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 1

     Bay 50 > ser 7  Japan step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 8

     Bay 50 > ser 7  Tiffen step-up ring...very clean...13.50 qty 8

     Bay 50 > ser 7  Tiffen step-up ring w/ Polarizer...very clean...30.00 qty 1

     Bay 50 > ser 8  Tiffen step-up ring...very clean...19.50 qty 4

     Bay 50 > ser 8  Tiffen Professional w/3x3 ~ 4mm glass holder...very clean...35.00 qty 1

     52 > Bay 50 Tiffen step-down ring...very clean...15.00 qty 3

     55 > Bay 50 Tiffen step-down ring...very clean...15.00 qty 5


     Bay 50  Cokin-A ring for Hasselblad C...new in pkg...24.50 qty 6
      Bay 50  Japan rubber lens hood...very clean...13.50 qty 2  



      B 60  Highest quality Schott glass - made in Germany


                          Hasselblad CF 80 Planar f2.8

                           Hasselblad CF 100 Planar f3.5

                           Hasselblad CF 105 UV-Sonnar f4.3

                           Hasselblad CF 120 Makro Planar f5.6

                           Hasselblad CF 135 Makro Planar f5.6

                           Hasselblad CF 150 Sonnar f4.0

                           Hasselblad CF 250 Sonnar f5.6

                           Hasselblad CF 250 Sonnar SA f5.6

                           Hasselblad CF  50 Distagon f4.0 T*

                           Hasselblad CF  38 Zeiss Biogon f4.5 T*

                           Hasselblad CF  38 Distagon f4.5 T* new version

      Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” UV 010...NIB...95.00 qty 1

      Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” UV 010...very clean...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” 81A...NIB...75.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” DF2 Soft focus...NIB...80.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” DF2 Soft focus...looks NIC...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  B+W Germany “for Hasselblad” Soft Image...NIB...80.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Japan  UV/SKY MC...looks NIC...75.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Sweden  41608 UV/SKY MC...very clean...75.00 qty 8

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Sweden  41608 UV/SKY MC coating streaks, clean...25.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany  41608 CR1.5 (SKY/81A) MC...very clean...65.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany G Green 11 worn coating, usable, clean...20.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany CR1.5 (81A) worn coating, usable, clean...20.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany  51603 Linear Pol...looks new...100.00 qty 3


     Hasselblad CF soft focus filters

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51670 Carl Zeiss Softar I...very clean...65.00 qty 6

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51670 Carl Zeiss Softar I...some wear...22.00 qty 4

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51673 Carl Zeiss Softar II...very clean...65.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51673 Carl Zeiss Softar II...some wear...22.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51675 Carl Zeiss Softar III...very clean...65.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51675 Carl Zeiss Softar III...some wear...22.00 qty 1


      Hasselblad CF close-up filters

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51665 Zeiss T* Proxar 0.5m qty 0

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51665 Zeiss T* Proxar 1m...looks new...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hasselblad CF Germany 51665 Zeiss T* Proxar 1.0F...looks new...55.00 qty 2


                  for Hasselblad CF - made in Japan, US


     Bay 60  Hoya Japan UV HMC...new...45.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan Skylight 1B HMC...new...45.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan Skylight 1B HMC...looks new...35.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan Skylight 1B SC...looks new...35.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan 82B SC...new...25.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan Diffuser...NOS...27.00 qty 5

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan Soft Spot set of 2...NOS...37.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Hoya Japan CS Cross 4pt. star...NOS...27.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen Linear Polarizer...NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen Warm Linear Polarizer...NOS...65.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen Skylight 1A...looks new...40.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen 80A...looks new...40.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen 80B...looks new...40.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Tiffen 81A...NOS...45.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen 82A...looks new...40.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen CC40 Magenta...looks new...40.00 qty 1

                 Tiffen FX soft-focus filters


     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Black Promist 3... NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Promist 3... NOS...55.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Soft FX 3...NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Soft FX 5...NOS...55.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Softnet 2B Black...NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Softnet 3B Black...NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Warm Promist 1...NOS...55.00 qty 1

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Warm Promist 3...NOS...55.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Warm Soft FX 1...NOS...55.00 qty 2

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Warm Soft FX 3...NOS...55.00 qty 4

     Bay 60  Tiffen FX - Ultra Contrast 3...NOS...55.00 qty 2


     Bay 60 > 62  Japan step-down ring...new...17.00 qty 6

     Bay 60 > 62  Hoya Japan step-down ring...new...17.00 qty 4

     Bay 60 > Ser 8 (63)  Tiffen step-up ring...new...25.00 qty 1

     Bay 60 > 67  Japan step-up ring qty 0

     Bay 60 > 52  Japan step-down ring...n/o...17.00 qty 2

     Bay 60 > 58  Japan step-down ring...new...17.00 qty 3


      B 70

           Hasselblad Planar F 110 f2.0

                          Hasselblad Sonnar F 150 f2.8

                          Hasselblad Tele-Tessar F 250 f4.0

     Bay 70  B+W UV 010 SC...new...120.00 qty 1

     Bay 70  B+W Zeiss Softar 1...looks new...120.00 qty 1

     Bay 70  Hass Germany 51349  UV HZ-0...looks new...120.00 qty 1

     Bay 70  Hass Sweden 51349  UV HZ-0...looks new...130.00 qty 1

     Bay 70  Hass Germany 6x R Red 25...looks NIC...225.00 qty 1
     Bay 70  Hasselblad 51648 front lens cap...n/o...39.00 qty 2

     Bay 70  Hasselblad “V” push-on front lens cap black...very clean...29.00 qty 2

     Bay 70 > 77 Heliopan #330 adapter...new...109.00 sold

     67       Hasselblad Japan Circ. Polarizer...NIC...130.00 qty 1

     95C     Hasselblad Japan UV/sky MC...looks new...130.00 qty 1


       s 7     


           Hasselblad 60 Distagon 1000F f5.6

                          Hasselblad 80 Auto Tessar 1000F f2.8

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden Y1.5-50 yellow 1.5x...NIB n/o...83.00 qty 1

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden YG2-50 yellow/green...NIB n/o...83.00 qty 1

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden YG2-50 yellow/green...very clean...65.00 qty 1

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden G3-50 green...NIB n/o...83.00 qty 1

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden 04-50 Orange...NIB n/o...83.00 qty 1

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden R6-50 Red 29...NIB n/o...83.00 qty 1

                      set/5 NEW unopened above...$395

     Ser 7  Hass Sweden DF-1 Diffusion...looks NIB n/o...45.00 qty 1
    #728   Tiffen 54.5M > Ser 7 black...clean...18.00
 qty 17

      s 63


                          Hasselblad C 50 Distagon f4.0

                          Hasselblad C 60 Distagon f3.5

                          Biogon SWC 38mm f4.5 T* older version

                          Hasselblad 500C, EL 50 Distagon f4.0

     Ser 8  Hass 63 HZ UV 1x -0 qty 0

     Ser 8  Hass 63 yellow 1.5x -0.5...very clean...65.00 qty 4

     Ser 8  Hass 63 50105 yellow 1.5x -0.5...NIB n/o...125.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 O-2 Orange 16 4x qty 0

     Ser 8  Hass 63 R Red 6x qty 0

     Ser 8  Hass 63 #50113 G-1.5 Green 3x...very clean...65.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 #50849 CB 1.5 (82A)...NIB n/o...45.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 CB 3 (82B)...NIB n/o...45.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 CB 6 (82C)...NIB n/o...45.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 CB 12 (80B)...NIB n/o...45.00 qty 1

     Ser 8  Hass 63 DF2 Soft...portrait, concentric rings...very clean...45.00 qty 1

     s 93


                         Hasselblad CF 40 Distagon f4.0

                          Hasselblad F 50 Distagon f2.8

                          Hasselblad C 140-280 Varigon f5.6

                          Hasselblad CF 350 Tele-Tessar f5.6

                          Hasselblad CF 500 Tele-Apotessar f8.9

                          Hasselblad F 350 Tele-Tessar f4.0

                          Hasselblad F 140-280 Varigon f5.6

     Ser 9A  B+W 93 UV 010...NOS...130.00 qty 1

      B 102 


                         Hasselblad C 40 Distagon F4.0

     102  Bay to 4-1/2” (112mm) Tiffen adapter ring...NIB n/o...135.00 qty 1

     112  Heliopan UV 010 SC leather case...looks new...125.00 qty 1


     Original Hasselblad brand caps and other accessories
     Hasselblad C Germany “V” push-on lens cap black 50369...very clean...22.00
qty 2

     Hasselblad 51643 Bay 60 front lens cap...new...27.00 qty 3

     Hasselblad 51643 Bay 60 front lens cap...looks new...22.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 51648 Bay 70 front lens cap...new...39.00 qty 2

     Hasselblad 50377 “V” Rear Lens Cap, black...very clean...15.00 qty 1     

     Hasselblad 50571 Rear Lens Cap for Carl Zeiss 135mm f/5.6 Macro S-Planar C Lens

                          original...looks new...50.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad early V series twist-on Body cap black...very clean...19.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad #9085 early GRAY V-Logo rear lens cap, deep...looks new...15.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad Camera Indexing Color pins For quick focusing pkg/12...NOS...25.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad Sweden A12, 16, 24 Dark Slide...very clean...25.00 qty 1

< Hasselblad Sweden Dark Slide for Polaroid film back

             ...very clean...15.00 qty 1

     < Hasselblad Flash shoe 40258...looks new...65.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 40037 Lens Mount adapter...new in box...260.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 40266 attachment for exposure meter...looks NIB...45.00 qty 1


     Hasselblad 41017 Cut film adapter + 41092 film cutter...

       no film sleeves...looks new in box...275.00 qty 1


     Hasselblad 42242 Focusing Screen w central x-grid...looks new in case...55.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 3054434 XPan II Correction eyepiece +0.5D...new in box...225.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 52175 Correction eyepiece +3.0...new in box...45.00 qty 1

     Hasselblad 52116 Correction eyepiece -4.0...new in box...45.00 qty 3

     Hasselblad 41076 Quick winding crank...looks new...22.00 qty 1

<  Original Hasselblad Sweden Film Transport Winding Wheel

    #2036/20 ...looks new...40.00



   Hasselblad D-Flash 40 shoe mt Flash (needs reflector + bulb)...very clean...170.00 qty 1

   Hasselblad D-Flash 40 battery holder 55114...NIB...145.00 qty 1

   Hasselblad Flash Gun Bracket...looks new...65.00 qty 1